Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Goals, Schedules, Slips and Skips

I've mentioned before that there has been a trend in the art quilting community to create small works monthly, weekly or daily.  The idea is to make time to create and learn new things.  I have had several such projects going, with varying degrees of success in keeping the time frame.  Starting my own textile arts business has mandated that some of these projects get set aside for awhile. 

This blog has been a challenging goal for me.  I have set it with myself to post twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I don't always make it.  Instead of stressing out over missing a day, I just pick up on the next scheduled day.  If you are trying to schedule time for creativity, take my advice, and just pick it up the next go round.  Just as it can be very difficult to break a habit, the same goes for starting a habit.  Keep at it.

I have been working on a daily project that was supposed to run for one year.  It is now into its third year, but I have not given up on it.  I was making an artist trading card once a day for a year, and some of them were taking far longer than the 30 minutes a day I had planned on.  Some of the ATCs I did not yet have the skill for the technique I wanted to use.  I got farther and farther behind, but I'm still working on it.  Maybe this will be the year I finish it.  I don't worry about it.  This time of year, I have a vegetable garden to get going, adding to the many things I attempt to do each day.  Priorities shift somewhat, but making beautiful things with fabric is still a significant part of each day for me.  Which reminds me, I have some silk flowers to finish, more on those in my next post.

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